Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A missed breakfast can leave you with little energy for the day ahead and decrease your overall performance. So why would you “eat the costs” of wasted product, especially when they affect the performance of the rest of your production?
Never Fear, PRG Is Here!
Inconsistent rolls can cost you $100,000’s in wasted product and production downtime. Investing in Precision Roll Grinders’ services allows you to have the value of over 25 years of industry experience on your side in addition to roll grinding that will last you twice as long as the competitors. Now that’s value!

Are You Having Costs For Breakfast?
Not sure if your facility is wasting product? Use the checklist below to determine if you would benefit from PRG’s roll grinds. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions below, you may very well be “consuming” a whole lot of avoidable costs.
- Does your machine have a long startup time?
- Does your machine need to run slower to produce good product?
- Is the product cooking unevenly?

- Does your product have excessive variation in thickness and size?
- Do you have unscheduled downtime trouble-shooting variability issues?
Want More With Less? Invest!
Precision Roll Grinders can help you eliminate these problems and allow you to create more product with less effort. With our internally developed surface finish PRG rolls have reduced, if not entirely eliminated, costly startup times in flaking mills. Our world class tolerance rolls produce a more consistent flake size and thickness, resulting in a more uniform cooking and moisture content. With Precision ground rolls, your machines will produce less waste and run longer in between grinds, benefiting your bottom line so the only thing you’ll be having for breakfast are profits!