REDUCE the amount of fiber in your coated board machine’s diet to see a healthier bottom line
Focus first on the calender rolls
The fiber used to make coated board is a significant operation cost for any mill. Find a way to maintain the world-class smoothness and proper caliper you need AND pull fiber out of the production process, and you’ll be looking at a nice savings. One that goes right to your mill’s bottom line.
Controlling all variables on a coated-board machine that can affect smoothness, caliper, and most importantly fiber and filler usage is no simple task, however. But a huge first step in the right direction is taking a look at your calendar rolls.
Although often overlooked, your calender stack plays an extremely important role in controlling many variabilities on your machine. So important, that we made it the topic of our latest webinar, “Increasing Coated Board Machine Yield & Quality with Precision Calender Rolls.” In it, we explain the correlation between well-performing calender rolls and variation reduction — as well as why and how proper roll grinding is crucial to achieving this level of roll performance.
What causes sheet barring and how can it be eliminated? Is there a connection between caliper variation and sheet strength? How does ignoring OEM tolerances cost your mill more money? Exactly how does proper roundness and concentricity yield longer calender roll life? These questions and many more are fully explored as we dissect how precision calender roll grinds help your machine use less fiber to achieve your smoothness and caliper specifications.

Then we illustrate specific savings we’ve achieved for customers, referencing real-world case studies. See how we helped one customer improve its yield by 1.75%, resulting in a yearly savings of almost $2,000,000. And how we helped another reduce its scrap output by 1,000 tons/year — $300,000 worth of material that’s no longer being thrown away.
“Increasing Coated Board Machine Yield & Quality with Precision Calender Rolls” is a must-see webinar for all producers of coated board. Especially those battling to control today’s fiber costs. Tap into our expert insights and more than 50 years of paper-making experience by watching it today.
Click here to download the webinar or watch it below.